12 Amazing Facts about Glutathione

  • It is the most abundant antioxidant manufactured by the human body. It is the Master of sequestering free radicals.
  • It is the only antioxidant that recycles itself after it has neutralized a free radical.
  • It recycles ingested antioxidants including vitamin C, vitamin E as well as alpha lipoic acid after they have been utilized.
  • It maintains healthy oxidant-reductant levels of the cells (cellular redox homeostasis)
  • It reduces hemoglobin to a plus 2 state so it can accept oxygen and carry it to the cells.
  • It helps support a healthy immune system.
  • It protects the DNA in the nucleus of the cell.
  • It protects the mitochondrial DNA of the cell.
  • It reduces lipid peroxides formed by the oxidation of fats.
  • It transports amino acids from outside of the cell into the cell, allowing protein biosynthesis to take place.
  • It is the first line of protection against environmental and chemical toxins.
  • It is a major sequestering agent of the heavy metals.
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